Dave Storer
All Creativity, Getting Unstuck, Self Esteem, Visual Artists, Writers
Business Name:
The Creativity Catalyst
Ann Arbor, Michigan. United States
Web Site:
Creativity is everyone’s birthright. But many, if not most of us get stuck somewhere on the road to a satisfying creative practice. Creativity coaching can be just the timely lift you need to get over the inevitable bumps on that road. As a creativity coach, I consider myself more a catalyst than a cattle prod. I don’t dictate to you; I help you realize your creative goals and dreams. When we work together, I am focused 100 percent on your creative needs: your agenda is my agenda. I can help without hijacking your process.
Methods of Working:
I am equally comfortable working in person, over the phone, or through email.
I specialize in helping people establish satisfying and effective creative practices.
As a fiction writer, I’ve struggled for many years with the same challenges most creative people face, and I’ve learned many ways to overcome them. I’ve helped others, and I can help you create to your full potential.
I also specialize in helping to translate the often spiritual-sounding models of creativity for the skeptical and more or less non-spiritual type of person. I was raised by a scientist and my default point of view is skepticism, so I’ve had to translate these insights for myself into a commonsense model. In helping you enhance your creative process, I won’t insist that you dress funny or chant in Sanskrit; creativity is everyone’s birthright.
Individual Services:
Focused coaching to identify specific problems in your creative process and help you develop effective solutions.
Three-month coaching package which combines a proven practice-building program with individualized coaching.
Start Creating Now: tips for getting past what’s stopping you – A one-hour workshop to jump-start your creative practice, with lots of tips and strategies to start and keep on creating.
Everyone Can Create – Many people think they just aren’t creative. In this talk I convince even the most stubborn skeptic that incredible creative powers and a soul-deep creative satisfaction are easily within their reach.
Effective Fiction Writing Habits and Skills, combines work on the craft of fiction with work to develop your creative process. No more of that lost feeling when a class is over. At the end of this class, you will be a working fiction writer with momentum to spare. All the exercises are designed to master the skills of fiction-writing, develop your creative abilities, and generate useful material that you will then use to start building short stories or novels. When you're done, not only will you have a handle on all the skills of successful fiction, you will also have an effective creative practice.
The cost is $225 for a three-month class.
A new class forming soon—contact me for details.Training and Experience:
I have degrees in Biology and English as well as Scientific and Technical Communication. I’ve trained as a Creativity Coach with Eric Maisel, and I’ve been coaching writers and artists for several years.
Publications: The Chapter, “Creativity is Your Birthright: How To Get Over Feeling You Don’t Have ‘Permission’ To Create” in Inspiring Creativity anthology.
Free one hour introductory phone session. Get in touch with me and we'll set one up!
$48 an hour for in-person or telephone coaching.
$48 for four coaching emails, either 2 per week or at your discretion.
$100 for ten coaching emails, either 2 per week or at your discretion.
$525 for the 3-month coaching package including one 1-hour in-person or phone session every two weeks and two coaching emails a week.
Contact me for pricing information on workshops and talks.
Contact me:
I’m sure I can help you.
Additional Comments:
Visit my web site (www.thecreativitycatalyst.com) to a access free worksheet to help you pinpoint any difficulties you may be having in your creative process, clarify them, and develop possible solutions.