Find a Coach
The Creativity Coaching Association is pleased to spotlight our member-coaches as a FREE coach referral service for you.
Our goal is to help you identify and select a coach who can meet your needs in whatever creative endeavor you undertake.
Please be aware that the coaches listed here have provided information about their coaching businesses. Given the subjective nature of coaching, CCA has not and cannot perform any verification of a coach's background or qualifications. We therefore recommend that when you contact a potential coach, you must assess their qualifications to your own satisfaction and standards. As a result, by your utilizing the CCA referral database, you agree to hold the Creativity Coaching Association harmless from any and all claims which may arise as a result of your work with any coach included herein.

Mary Beall Adler
Bethesda, Maryland. United States
I coach visionaries, entrepreneurs, artists, and athletes who want to tap into their authenticity and move forward in their areas of expertise and interest. I lead people to achieve results beyond their imagination. I help clients make and sustain meaning by investigating and solving issues that arise from choosing to be creative.

Zangmo Alexander
Bressingham, Diss, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Free your creative spirit and discover yourself! With a background in visual art practices, education, coaching, Buddhist meditation and mental health, I offer creativity coaching, mindfulness, meditation, life coaching, art teaching and art therapy techniques to enable you to move through blocks and resistances to discover your authenticity, meaning, vision and beliefs and ground these within regular creative practice and living creatively.

Stephanie Anderson
Sussex, England. United Kingdom
My coaching is about helping people to recognize their own creative expression and to experience and enjoy it in daily life, at work, and in relationship with others. You may have a particular creative goal or project in mind or you may be feeling that you'd like more creativity and creative self-expression in your personal or professional life. Working with me can help you to choose to view the world creatively and to be more creative within it.

Karen Andrews
West Stockbridge, MA United States
I help sensitive, creative people design extraordinary live that will support and nourish their special gifts and sustain, not drain their precious resources. I bring 30-plus years of art-making, writing, songwriting, and creative approaches to business development to my coaching. I also have over twenty years of studying and practicing mind-body healing methods that can help people quickly overcome distress patterns, unravel life-knots, and create powerful transformations.

Aurore Leigh Barrett
Las Vegas, Nevada. United States
My life’s work has been to help children and adults learn how to “shine”. To bring forth the light that is within all of us. As we let our own light shine we give others permission to do the same. There is no such thing as being humble, this does not serve the world. We must learn to give permission to our “dreamz” and to learn how we can grow as creative productive human beings. Everyone deserves to live a life of enchantment, a life of mystical, magical moments.

Rick Benzel
Los Angeles, CA. United States
Rick has a strong background in studying the many paradigms of creativity and helping his clients find the best sources of their own inspiration. He is a specialist in helping authors who want to write and publish articles and books. Rick has spent 35+ years in publishing. He is also interested in working with clients who have new ideas in any field of work, including business creativity and innovation.

Deborah Bouziden
Edmond, Oklahoma. United States
As we pursue our creative endeavors, we are faced with disappointments, frustrations, setbacks, and pitfalls. Through my experiences as an artist, author, teacher, consultant, and creativity coach, I have gained first hand knowledge that I believe others will find useful. Life should be more than mere existence, it should be a moment-by-moment appreciation of what we do and who we are.