Elizabeth Clontz
Life as Art, Women's Creativity and Spirit
Business Name:
Luna Rosewater
Asheville, North Carolina. United States
Web Site:
I trust that everyone is innately creative and holds the wisdom for her creativity journey.
Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. ~ Pablo Picasso
I join with you to reconnect with this vitality. I midwife your journey of diving deep in exploring and living from the dance of your authentic self, the Divine, your joy, and the creative process - whether you desire to create your own one-person show or some other creative work - or desire to show up more authentically and creatively with your life as the stage. My work focusing upon welcoming enchantment into daily life via creative and contemplative processes. I support you in listening to your intuition, your body wisdom, and your inspiration. We explore the mystery and invite the unfolding of your glorious creative spirit.
Methods of Working:
One-on-one and small groups in person and via phone or teleclass
Personally, I have learned the most from my process in the following journey with both my creative work and my life: staying as closely attuned as possible to my intuition, my creative spirit, body wisdom, and authentic self; following these threads along my inner landscape and within the world around me; and responding with greater and greater degrees of awareness, integrity, and skill. I delight in midwifing others on this journey as well.
Individual Services:Creativity Coaching, Walking Meditations, Ritual and Celebration Planning, Sacred Theatre Focus Sessions, Retreats
Visit my blog for any upcoming workshops.
Visit my blog for any upcoming talks.
Visit my blog for any upcoming classes.
I design individual, personalized retreats for women in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
I also enjoy being invited to present programs aligned with the heart of my work at retreats and other gatherings. I create an environment gently welcoming participants to join in community and creative flow. Stay tuned, also, for upcoming retreats I will be hosting personally.
Training and Experience:
CCA Certified Creativity Coach
Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach
Coaching for Performers with Eric Maisel
Certified InterPlay® Leader
Leader-in-training of the Dances of Universal Peace
Member of the Wild Women Writers’ Group
BS in Child Development and Family Relations with a minor in Psychology
Masters in Social Work
Post-graduate studies in the expressive arts, hypnosis, energy work, wholistic health
Psychotherapist (LCSW) for many years with individuals and groups
Director of sacred theatre
Former co-director of a center offering programs weaving creativity, spirituality, and personal transformation
Creator, host, and facilitator of many creativity-based gatherings, classes, workshops, talks and retreats
Former arts and education event director in various venues
Former director of life enrichment in an assisted living center
Former member of the singing group The Inner Voices
Former preschool teacher many moons ago in which our days were infused with art, song, movement, nature, story, wonder, play, enchantment, joy, and the thriving of the creative spirit
My favorite personal creative loves are writing, intuitive art, dance, singing, performance art, and improv/theatre games. I also have a special fondness for beautiful beads, fabrics, threads, and color. I have previously enjoyed exploring jewelry-making, calligraphy, stained glass, weaving, and piano.
“Beloved Anam Cara”
“Gathering the Threads”
“Birthing Dreams”
“Merry Heart”
“Feasting Upon Peace”
Articles on rituals in web supplement for the book Interactive and Improvisational Drama: Varieties of Applied Theatre and Performance edited by Adam Blatner
Pricing: Please contact me at the email address shown above.
Availability: Yay! I have openings!
Additional Comments: In joy of the glorious creative wonder of you! Elizabeth Clontz