Hannah Anderson
Life Coaching
Creative Coaching
Visual Artists
People in Transition (Jobs, relationships, roles)
Moving through Blocks
Business Name:
Golden Thread Coaching
Concord, New Hampshire. USA
Web Site:
As a life coach, I believe in the beauty and truth of each person’s ‘golden thread’ or path in life. Sometimes we become preoccupied or distracted and lose hold of the thread. Or it gets tangled up or we can’t find it in the mess of life. My role as a creative life coach is to work with each person or group of people to help them rediscover the golden thread that is unique to them and to learn to honor and trust its wise direction. I believe that the creative process, in whatever form it takes, leads to healing and supports the true path of the golden thread.
Methods of Working:
I am happy to coach with one person, a small group or organizations, either in person or long-distance (by phone or Zoom). Optional access to studio space is available by request. Retreats and conference workshops are welcome!
My specializations are working with people
--who are ready to in depth personal work
--who would like to explore their creativity
--in times of crisis or change in life
--creatives who are blocked and would benefit from a highly creative coach to help them
--groups going through an important phase of clarification and change to become more aligned with their purpose in the world
I was trained through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (IPEC) in 2012 and have now combined coaching, art and 25 years of pastoral care into The Golden Thread.
Individual Services:
My coaching with individuals includes--
--weekly hour-long sessions for a month, 3 months or 6 months (package)
--meeting either in person or by phone/Zoom at the client’s request
--combining life coaching with a creative practice and/or studio experience
--designing a creative retreat with an individual and offering daily coaching and art sessions at the client’s request
I lead workshops and retreats at the request of organizations. These have included staff workshops to assess and improve communication skills and clarify goals. On-site art studio materials are available upon request.
Talks Offered:
I’ve been the keynote speaker in a variety of settings and am comfortable speaking in public settings to large groups of people. References are available upon request.
‘On Being an Artist-Priest,’ Dissertation for Doctorate in Ministry, Seabury Western Theological Seminary, 2008
Training and Experience:
IPEC (2012)
ICF member
MDiv. in Adaptive Leadership, 2008
DMin in Religious Studies, 1994
Ordained in the Episcopal Church in 1994
Please see all prices listed on my website:
I am accepting 3 new clients and offer a free session to explore life coaching.