Judi Moreo
1. Creativity
2. Writers
3. Speakers
4. Self-Esteem
5. Success Coaching
Business Name:
Turning Point International, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada. United States
Web Site:
www.judimoreo.com, www.youaremorethanenough.com, www.choicesonlinemedia.com, www.lifechoicesbook.com
We live in a world of possibilities and possibilities give us choices. Lots of choices. Many of us don’t see the possibilities and therefore, we don’t realize what choices are available to us. We can discover possibilities in even the most difficult of experiences if we are willing to look for them. It is what we choose to think about each experience that determines how we respond to it. How we respond determines whether or not we find richer, more purposeful, more joyful lives.
Methods of Working:
In person, email, Skype, telephone or a combination of these methods.
Ms. Moreo specializes in creative thinking and communication. She excels at helping people, companies, and organizations develop their potential into products and profits. She has been writing, speaking, and consulting for 40+ years and has an extensive background in book writing, editing, ghostwriting, and publishing.
Individual Services:
Judi Moreo provides coaching for personal development, communication skills, public speaking, creative thinking, and success planning.
You Are More Than Enough
Did you think you would be more successful by now? Are you disappointed and discouraged with where you are or where you seem to be headed? Do you feel like you were created for something more, but just don’t know what?
This motivational and informative program offers a series of clear, easy-to-follow steps to help you achieve whatever you desire. With stories, advice, humor and interaction, Judi doesn’t just “motivate; ~ she gives practical techniques for making the most of all of your life experiences.
Communicate for Results
Your communication skills determine the quality of your life. All successful interactions and relationships depend on the flow of information. Whether the expression of that flow is non-verbal or oral, each message contains at least two elements, the surface element and the psychological element. In this high-powered program, Judi Moreo shows you how to control both.
In addition, she shows you how to adapt to the unique communication styles of others as well as how to get your message across effectively, powerfully, persuasively and memorably. You’ll be able to make a strong impression every time you speak. This program is filled with tips and techniques that will immediately make a difference in your communication effectiveness.
Conquer the Brain Drain:
Building a Creative Organization
Solving business problems, generating new ideas and developing creative strategies can’t be accomplished using the same old brain draining methods. Building an innovative, creative, problem solving team requires a new approach. This program will raise your team’s creativity quotient and problem solving abilities to a new high and motivate your team to think in new ways.
Ms. Moreo offers keynote presentations of 25 minutes to 1-1/2 hour in each of the topics listed above as well as 1/2 day seminars and workshops. In addition, she custom designs and facilitates Creativity Day Camps for Adults which is 2 days in length.
Classes Offerred:
In person and on-line courses are offered in the subjects of Personal Development, Self-Esteem, Creativity and Communication Skills.
Retreats Offered:
Custom designed retreats are offered for creative professionals and business people who want to understand and use their creative potential to grow their businesses and their profits.
Training and Experience:
Judi Moreo is a Certified Speaking Professional, less than 10% of the speakers in the world hold this prestigious earned designation. She has presented keynote speeches, workshops, seminars, and retreats in 28 countries on four continents.
Highly sought after as a corporate trainer, her clients range from Chrysler and BMW to the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the U. S. House of Representatives. An entertaining and inspirational speaker, she has shared the stage with such dignitaries as George W. Bush, Thabo Mbeki, Les Brown, Montel Williams, Barbara Bush, Linda Armstrong Kelly and many others.
Prior to taking a position as a senior executive in a major media group in South Africa during the end of the apartheid era, Judi built her Las Vegas based company, Universal Models, from a small modeling agency to one of the largest convention services companies on the west coast. In 1986, the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce honored her as Woman of Achievement - Entrepreneur. When she returned to the United States in 1998, she founded Turning Point International, a training and development company. Judi brings her keen insights into human behavior, her in-depth knowledge of how to succeed and her lively sense of humor to her programs. Speaking from experience, she empowers others to achieve their full potential… personally and professionally. In 2003, Judi was named Nevada Business Person of the Year by the US Business Advisory Council.
In addition, Ms. Moreo is a cancer survivor who used her creative talents and spiritual beliefs to find health and wholeness. She knows what it is to travel a rocky journey and can help you learn to ask better questions, understand there are always alternatives and choices no matter the situation. She will help you understand that with discipline, work, enthusiasm, and changes, life is filled with excitement, experiences and discoveries which can bring you to a new and better place, if you are open to possibilities and stay focused forward.
An accomplished author, Judi Moreo has eleven books to her credit including “Conquer the Brain Drain: 52 Creative Ways to Pump Up Productivity,” “Ignite The Spark: 52 Creative Ways to Fire Up Your Team” and her award winning, “You Are More Than Enough” and its companion, “The Achievement Journal.” She is also the publisher of Choices on-line magazine and host of Choices radio. www.choicesonlinemedia.com
Please contact Ms. Moreo at judi@judimoreo.comor (702) 896-2228 to discuss your investment.
Ms. Moreo works one-on-one with a maximum of 10 clients per year. Group classes are available on line.
Additional Comments:
You will start with a complimentary “Strategy Session” with Ms. Moreo and together you will evaluate your current situation and determine what you want to achieve through working together. You will set a strategy for achieving your goals within a realistic, workable time frame and you will be held accountable throughout the process until you accomplish your goals.