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Katie Warren


1. All creativity, 

2. Entrepreneurs 

3. Get unstuck

4. Creative living 

5. Creative business

Business Name:

KatieAnne Coaching


Appleton, Wisconsin, USA




I believe creativity at its core is pure and beautiful. We all have creativity inside of us but some have learned to access it more easily than others. It is necessary to sustain happiness and fulfilment in life and business. I believe with the right process, anyone can be creative. The best part? You have your own unique gift that is different from me, your siblings, your best friend, and the world. It is time to let that creative gift out, stop playing small, and fall in love with your life

Methods of Working:

Phone, in-person, video


I specialize in working with women entrepreneurs in a creative field. I have a degree in Music Business from Berklee College of Music and I have been an expert in the Digital Marketing world for over 5 years.

Services Offered

Write a statement about how you work with individuals or list the things you do with individuals

Training and Experience: Bachelors in Music Business 5+ years of digital marketing strategy Music performance training


Please contact me through the email shown above.


In process of completing my professional coaching certification through ICF. Until then- my rates will be discounted. Email for pricing.

Still have questions? See our Creativity Coach FAQ's
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