Leilani Squire
Entertainment Industry Professionals, Aspiring Screenwriters, Stop-and-Start Creative Person, Success, U.S. Veterans, Managing Anxiety
Business Name:
Leilani Squire, Creativity Coach
North Hollywood, California
Web Site:
My philosophy is that we are first and foremost a spiritual being having a physical experience. I believe that creativity is at the core of who we are—it is our soul’s true nature. Many of us put limits on our creativity or have invisible barriers that prevent us from realizing our full creative potential. I can help you to identify those barriers and to destroy them. If you are feeling blocked ,are in need of focus, could use more accountability, or have an unexpressed dream that you are yearning to fulfill—I may be just the person to help to bring you back to your authentic self and to help you to shine brighter than ever before. And we will have fun along the way!
Methods of Working:
I offer phone (preferred), Skype, Email and In-person, or any combination you prefer.
I know what it means to procrastinate, not be able to show up to do the work, face insurmountable blocks, experience meaning crisis and struggle to complete. I also know the value of a daily commitment to creative work, meeting deadlines, the joy of pushing through and reaching new creative realizations. My work with U.S. Veterans has given me special insight in how to overcome writer’s block, establish a daily creative habit and the pride that comes with manifesting our unchartered potential within.
Individual services offeredI listen so I can ask the right questions that will reveal the needs of and underlying issues you are facing. I create a safe, supportive and nutritive environment where you are able to trust the process of our work together, allowing the answers and solutions to come from within you. All the while, keeping you accountable, focused, disciplined, centered and moving towards your creative goals.
“8 Ways to Survive In-Between Projects”: A workshop designed to find creative ways to deal with the anxiety and possible depression that can accompany the time between work for the actor, director, electrician and grip, etc., of the film and television industries.
“How to Survive Retirement: Create Your Map of Possibilities”: A workshop designed for the entertainment industry professional and actor to explore and discover a new journey of creativity and meaning as they face the unchartered next chapter of their life.
“6 Tips to Reduce Pitching Anxiety”: This workshop is for the aspiring screenwriter who wants to break into Hollywood. The workshop will explore and discover ways to reduce and manage anxiety when preparing to pitch for industry development executives and producers.
“5 Ways to Start and Not Stop”: Focused on the start-and-stop creative person; issues of inconsistency, blocks, time management and not showing up to do the work will be addressed and tools will be learned to establish a consistent, disciplined and focused creative life.
I can adapt any of the above workshops for a talk.
Training and Experience:
I have studied with Eric Maisel and am currently a candidate for certification with the Creativity Coaching Association; a published poet and writer; screenplay consultant; screenplay optioned for its edgy material; founder and facilitator of the Creative Writing Workshop at the West Los Angeles Veterans Hospital; founder and producer of Returning Soldiers Speak; juror for the Humanitas Prize for 13 years; Director of the Hollywood Outreach Program of the Scriptwriters Network; dancer and independent choreographer for 30 years, training with Tanya Lichine, Nadezda Kaliskis, Mia Slavenska and Dr. Alma Hawkins.
I offer bi-weekly 40-minute phone or Skype sessions with Email contact in between for $180. Group sessions are also available. Please email for rate.
I currently am taking new clients.
Additional Comments:
I look forward to working with you.