Lisa Krause
Creativity, Late Bloomers, Life Coaching, Organization, Self-Confidence
Business Name:
Synergy-Inspired Coaching
Arkansas. United States
Web Site:
The definition of the word synergy is: “The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.”
I chose this word carefully in naming my coaching practice “Synergy-Inspired Coaching” because my goal is to partner with people and guide and support help them as they move through the process of realizing their dreams and reaching heights they never imagined to be possible! My strengths are my caring nature, enthusiastic, heartfelt concern, life experience, attitude of abundance and gratitude, patience, ability to listen, as well as being able to offer support in a realistic manner. My approach would be considered spiritual—with sensitivity to each individual’s vulnerabilities and dreams. I am passionate about what I do and feel that it is important for people to live a “sensual” life—one involves all of one’s senses-- feelings, taste, sight, smell and touch- as much as possible— in all that they do! I would love to work with you!
Methods of Working:
e-mail, telephone, in person, classes, and groups
*Collage and treasure-mapping techniques
*Creative visualization
*Organization techniques
*Use of affirmations
*Client chooses focus of each conversation supported by active listening of coach
*”PMZ” specialist! (Anthropologist Margaret Mead’s acronym for “Post-menopausal
Zest!”) I love working with women who are pursuing their creative interests after their families are grown!
*Procrastination—the thief of time!
* Helping dreams come true!
Individual Services:
*Creativity Coaching Association – will receive certification soon
*Career Coach Institute –received certification
*Student Rocky Mountain College of Art
*Bachelor’s degree in Sociology/Psychology Univ. of Colorado
*Owner of and founder of several businesses
*Developed artwork for wholesale product lines
*Owner Manufactures representative company representing artistic gift lines
*Currently working as a fine artist
*Currently working as a Life Coach
Available in beautiful, natural, and private surroundings
Please inquire.
Please inquire.
Additional Comments:
Thank you for considering me to be your life coach! Please feel free to contact me any time to discuss our working together! You can send an e-mail to: thedabera@gmail.com or call lisa at 870-528-4984. One of my favorite song lyrics is from Bonnie Raitt’s song “Nick of Time.” It states: “Life gets mighty precious when there’s less of it to waste!” So, let’s get started!! Hope to hear from you soon!!