Marcia Randall DeBard
All Creativity, Getting Unstuck, Life Transitions, Performing Arts, Visual Artists
Business Name:
Shabala Studio
Kingston, Washington. United States
(360) 265-3188
Web Site:
We are all natural-born artists, and life is more balanced and peaceful when we are regularly engaged in artful acts. Our creativity can also be a tool to heal past wounds, ease the grieving process, and assist us through the constant transitions life offers. Understanding our individual brains, our learning styles, and our psychological profile can be powerful as we pursue a deeper relationship with ourselves. It can also assist us as we seek to make meaning in our interactions with others, in our creative work, and in the unfolding of our lives. Using a variety of arts modalities both inside and outside of our comfort zone flexes and strengthens our creative muscles, thereby building a foundation from which we can bring more joy into our creative work, our relationships, and our lives.
Methods of Working:
Individual and group coaching in person, Individual phone and email coaching.
Visual artists—20 years as a professional watercolor and oil painter
Motivation/Procrastination—M.Ed. thesis on using multiple intelligences, learning styles and multiple modalities to enhance motivation (1993)
Performing artists—13 years as an AEA/SAG actor
Grief & Life transitions—Master’s level Psychology and Art Therapy coursework at Antioch University
Individual Services:
Individual coaching can include art projects, guided visualizations, written reflections, and other experiences used in the group process, but these are very specifically tailored to your needs. The client guides the individual sessions.
Coaching Circle-based workshops are available, both as stand-alone experiences and as a part of your retreat. Please call for information.
Talks are available. Please call to discuss your needs.
Coaching Circle—a transformational group process which includes art projects, guided visualizations, written reflections, and other experiences designed to awaken and deepen our relationship with our creativity. Once enlivened, our own creativity can provide guidance for decision-making, life transitions, and grieving processes, as well as our specific individual creative work. In Coaching Circle, participants are presented with the same prompt; through working with it individually, each makes personal discoveries and experiences individual development. The group provides support and a forum for this growth.
None at this time.
Training and Experience:MFA, Rutgers University. M.Ed, Antioch University. BA, San Diego State University (triple major: Art/Drama/Music). CCA Certified Creativity Coach. Certified teacher of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain with Betty Edwards. MA level Psychology and Art Therapy classes at Antioch University. 20 years as a professional painter. 13 years as a professional actor. Over 20 years as a professional teacher, including visual art, acting, and movement for actors.
None at this time.
Please contact me. I offer a free 20-min initial session.
New Coaching Circle participants may join seasonally (Jan, April, June, and Sept) dependent on available space. I also currently have space available for a few individual clients.
Additional Comments: Here’s to a more balanced and blissful life!