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Quinn McDonald


Reinvention, discovering your life purpose, surviving and thriving change, choosing the right project, working deeply, achieving satisfaction.


Business Name:




Phoenix, Arizona. United States







Web Site:



Everyone get stuck, feels bad about their work, repeats mistakes from the past. But people are also creative, resourceful and whole and can create the life they really want. It takes work, and it doesn’t happen in a week. There are a million reasons to say 'no' to a creative life--and only one good reason to say 'yes'--to feel completely alive.


Methods of Working:

Phone, or Skype. You can be coached at home or at work, in bad weather, when you are on vacation.



1. Artists and fine crafters who are stuck in their work, not getting ahead, not happy with the quality of their work who want to work deeply and more effectively.

2. People who are stuck—at work, in relationships, with themselves. People who want to change and are afraid. People who want to be creative and don’t know how.

3. Women in transition--from an office job to a life in art; how to start your own business; how to be happy after you retire; re-inventing yourself. 
4. People who are disappointed in their life choices--work, family, relationships—how to develop perspective and create new choices.

Individual Services:Working on individual projects, problem-solving, goal setting, accepting change.



Seminars, workshops, brown-bag lunches, and retreats. I speak and work with groups, book clubs, and businesses.



I speak to clubs, organizations and at corporate retreats on a variety of creative and goal-directed topics that reflect the need to the organization. Here are some recent titles:


How to Sell Yourself (and Your Work) as an Artist

Creativity is not a Toy, it's a Tool [Harnessing creative energies in individuals; building a creative team]


I Hate Keeping a Journal (Bring Your Last Bad Start)


Art Show 101 [Choosing, attending and doing well at your first show]


 Why Communicating Doesn't Work [Creating good communications through speaking, e-mails, and talking to others.]


Bad News—How to Break It, Take It, and Survive It

[How to deliver bad news; how to get through a confrontation; how to get through bad news at work or at home without panicking.]



·        Giving Powerful Presentations

·        Writing for the Web (Beginning and Advanced)

·        Bad News: Breaking It, Taking It, Surviving It

·        Business E-mails that Get Read

·        Problem Solving for Leadership

·        Selling Your Work (and Yourself) as an Artist

·        Playing With a Full Deck--make and use creativity cards that help you come up with ideas, choose the right one, and develop it for your audience.

Creativity Seminar: a seminar with various components —visualization, dream and experience journals, getting a new perspective, making ‘creativity cards,’ sleep thinking.



QuinnCreative doesn’t offer retreats but I do speak at them and create sessions appropriate to the retreat theme.


Seminars, speaking fees, and classes are priced individually. Please contact me at to discuss objective, content, length of seminar, retreat or class, and materials.

Training and Experience:

I believe in lifelong learning. After a BA (in biology and English) and an MA (in folklore), I continued to take classes in interesting fields: writing, papermaking, book creation, paper marbling, graphic design, jewelry design and fabrication, leadership, information design—anything that fed the mind and heart. In 2001 I returned to school, to become a Life Coach. I completed the training courses through The Coaches Institute, then followed up with the Creativity Coaching Association’s courses and certification to become a Certified Creativity Coach.



Somerset Studio magazine (June, 2003-present), a column on the challenges of living a creative life.

Create Mixed Media (website for F+W Media) coaching column, 2009-present).

Develop and teach training programs in writing, leadership, art journaling, journaling, creativity, and collage. (Six writing workbooks in 2012-2013).

Book: Raw Art Journaling, Making Meaning, Making Art, published by North Light Books (F+W Media) 2011



Inner Hero Creative Art Journal, Mixed Media Techniques to Silence Your Inner Critic, published by North Light Books (F+W Media) 2014



Phone/ Skype three times in a calendar month for one hour each time, plus reasonable unlimited emails for $350 per month. For those who prefer a one-hour coaching with no monthly commitment, it's $110 a session. All coaching is pre-paid. 



Call for an initial coaching session. It’s $110, refundable on your first month’s invoice if you become a client.


Additional Comments:

There are a lot of reasons to put off coaching.
There is only one reason to start-- to live the life you want.

Still have questions? See our Creativity Coach FAQ's
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