Susan Stott Miller
Creativity Coaching, Entrepreneur Coaching, Life Coaching, Creativity Therapy, Artists, Musicians, Creative Individuals
Business Name:
Lighted Path™ Coaching and Creativity Workshops
Raleigh, North Carolina. United States
Web Site:
We are each created for a unique destiny which allows for expression of our gifts, passions and heart. To find our path on this journey of life, we need to be aware of our life vision, which navigates us towards our life purpose.
To live out our destiny, we need to live in accordance with our values, which are expressed in many aspects of our lives. If creativity is one of our core values, we will live and breathe a more authentic life if we follow our Creative Path. Living this way, we are making a difference in the world around us. We matter, our creativity matters, and our path of life matters.
Creativity Coaching can provide a light as you explore your life vision and creative work, from unearthing your passions to discovering how to live out your dreams. Using proven creative strategies and tools, you will be able to identify, navigate, and remove obstacles that frustrate your freedom of movement toward the life intentions that you are so uniquely created to pursue. The result is more Clarity, Joy and Abundance
If you are a Creative Entrepreneur, you will be able to learn cutting edge strategies from the Right Brain Business Plan® program designed by Jennifer Lee, author of the Right Brain Business Plan® A Creative Visual Map for Success. You will learn how to focus on building a business doing what you love successfully.
Lighted Path™ Coaching and Creativity Workshops will help you learn how to achieve Life Balance through strategies and tools that you can put in your own back pack to use on Life's Journey.
Methods of Working:
In-person, skype, conference call, phone call.
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Creativity Coach with Creativity Coaching Association, Certified Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach, Entrepreneur and Life Coach, Licensed Right Brain Business Plan® Workshop Facilitator and Creativity Therapist. I also am an artist focusing on fabric art, mixed media, painting, altered books and art journaling.
Individual Services:I offer individual and group coaching, creativity therapy and creativity workshops. Creativity workshops and offerings include Lighted Path™ Spirit Collage, Intuitive Painting, Creative Art Journaling and Vision Boarding. I work with individuals to help them get a vision for their lives and move toward their full potential.
Lighted Path™ Spirit Collage
Lighted Path™ Creative Art Journaling
Lighted Path™ Intuitive Painting
Lighted Path™ Memory Houses
Lighted Path™ Altered Books
Right Brain Business Plan® Workshop
Unfolding Your Life Vision® Workshop
Dream Box® Workshop
* Right Brain Business Plan® Mini-Workshop:
Managing the Moola
Business Vision and Values
Developing a Marketing Plan
Developing Your Business Alliances & Creative Cohorts
* Wise Mind Entrepreneur:
* Using Mindfulness in Business Planning
* Creativity and Healing
* Developing a Creative Life Vision
* Finding Life Balance
(many other topics regarding mental health, coaching and business planning
Retreats offered:Offer various customized retreats to teach life balance, creativity and vision and healing in life.
Training and Experience:
PhD Clinical Counseling and Psychotherapy
MEd Counseling
BS Psychology Minor in Art
$115 hour, $160 90 min, $45-60 group coaching, Workshops vary depending on their length of time.
M-F office hours, will work with scheduling when convenient with you.